Ehdotuksen tiedot

Tunnus:ISO/DIS 16757-5
Komitea:ISO/TC 59/SC 13
Komitean nimi:Organization and digitization of information about buildings and civil engineering works, including building information modelling (BIM)
Lausuntokierros alkanut:2024-03-24
Lausuntopyynnön määräaika:2024-05-23
Ehdotuksen soveltamisala:
This part of the standard – EN ISO 16757 Part 5: Product catalogue exchange format - describes how product catalogue data for building services products is exchanged by means of a specific IFC MVD from manufacturers to designers of building services systems. With EN ISO 16739-1:2020, an open language exists for the creation, transfer and maintenance of design models. The standard EN 17549-2 defines the data exchange of scalable product properties within IFC. It represents a simplification of EN ISO 16739-1:2020 from an information technology perspective and as such is a Model View Definition (MVD). It focuses on core classes and relies on external data dictionaries to describe business semantics. This part of the standard EN ISO 16757 completes the description of the IFC-based data exchange format for manufacturer catalogues including the parametric properties of for example: This standard is aimed at both software manufacturers for the construction sector and professionals in the sector who use their software. This part of the standard focuses only on the format of the data exchanged and not on how to process it. Notes on the implementation of the standard in application software can be found in the (non-normative) Annex B. This standard does not (!) directly lead to an automatic selection of products. The product data catalogue does not contain any decision criteria for this. However, the data of a catalogue could be searched by application programs looking for a suitable product size. According to EN ISO 16757 Part 4, this standard does not provide a data template, as it assumes that these are already defined in data dictionaries according to EN ISO 12006-3. This part of the EN ISO 16757 standard describes the overall scope of the types of data that can be transmitted, and the form of transmission. Specialist planners of complete systems for building services, for example, will expect almost all of this data in the catalogue, as they require the shape data for dimensioning and clash detection in addition to the technical design and setting of the products. However, there are also special applications that only require individual property values (for example the weight and space requirement for transport planning). For these purposes, different extensive templates according to EN ISO 16757 Part 4 are set up.

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