Ehdotuksen tiedot

Tunnus:prEN 18060
Komitea:CEN/TC 301
Komitean nimi:Road vehicles
Lausuntokierros alkanut:2024-03-24
Lausuntopyynnön määräaika:2024-05-23
Toimialayhteisö:Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Ehdotuksen soveltamisala:
The standard shall describe the necessary steps and conditions for the measurement of the parameters, which are relevant for rechargeable batteries with internal energy storage used for road vehicles. The parameters shall reflect current industry practice for the applications based on existing international standards. The standard shall consider the most appropriate metric based on application and the objective of the metric to enable comparison of electrical performance between different models/products on the market. It shall in particular take into account the following: - rated capacity (in Ah); - rated power (in W); - internal resistance (in ?); - energy round trip efficiency (in %). The measurement tests of the standard shall be relevant for batteries, battery packs, and battery modules intended for the following applications: - motor vehicles, including M and N categories referred to in Article 2 of Regulation (EU) 2018/858 of the European Parliament and of the Council with traction battery; - L-category vehicles referred to in Article 2 of Regulation EU 168/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council with traction battery of more than 25kg.

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