Ehdotuksen tiedot

Tunnus:ISO/DIS 13391-2
Komitea:ISO/TC 287
Komitean nimi:Sustainable processes for wood and wood-based products
Lausuntokierros alkanut:2024-04-21
Lausuntopyynnön määräaika:2024-06-20
Ehdotuksen soveltamisala:
This document provides a methodology for calculating the carbon balance of (a) forest management unit(s) (FMU). This quantification methodology will demonstrate to what extent carbon pools in the FMU represent a net carbon sink or a net carbon source. It provides information that can be used on organizational or aggregated product levels. This calculation methodology considers: Emissions from fossil fuels or industrial processes related to forestry operations (e.g. production and distribution of fertilizers, fuels for machinery) are not included in this document. The quantity of wood entering the harvested wood products carbon pool is not included in this document. This document is intended to be used by organizations seeking to understand, commit to or contribute to climate change mitigation. These organizations can be either private or public, regardless of type or size, and located in any jurisdiction, or position within a specific value chain.

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