Ehdotuksen tiedot

Tunnus:EN 1254-3:2021/prA1
Komitea:CEN/TC 133
Komitean nimi:Copper and copper alloys
Lausuntokierros alkanut:2024-07-21
Lausuntopyynnön määräaika:2024-09-19
Ehdotuksen soveltamisala:
This document specifies product characteristics, assessment methods, compliance criteria of test results and a designation system for fittings with compression ends for use with plastics and multilayer pipes which are defined in the applicable pipe standard. For the purposes of joining plastics pipes, the fitting ends have a nominal diameter from 6 mm to 160 mm. The fittings are designed for a service lifetime up to fifty years. The compression fittings are used up to the operating temperatures and corresponding maximum operating pressures as indicated in Annex A. This document applies to copper alloy fittings. A non-exhaustive list of these copper alloys is given in CEN/TS 13388. Adaptor fittings for use with plastics and multilayer pipes may combine compression ends with fitting ends defined in the other parts of EN 1254. Compression fittings for use with plastics and multilayer pipes may also have flanged end connections according to EN 1092-3. Compression fittings for use with plastics and multilayer pipes may also have a plated or other decorative surface coating. Fittings can be produced by machining, metal forming, casting, or fabrication. Products covered by this document are intended to be used in: a) liquid applications: - hot, cold or combined hot and cold water, including systems according to EN 806; - closed heating systems according to EN 12828; - cooling systems; - drainage systems; - fire protection systems including sprinkler systems according to EN 12845. b) gas applications (not valid for multilayer pipes): - natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas systems with a maximum operating pressure less than or equal to 5 bar according to EN 1775; - compressed air systems.

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