Ehdotuksen tiedot

Tunnus:ISO/DIS 5725-5
Komitea:ISO/TC 69/SC 6
Komitean nimi:Measurement methods and results
Lausuntokierros alkanut:2024-10-02
Lausuntopyynnön määräaika:2024-11-26
Toimialayhteisö:SFS Suomen Standardit
Ehdotuksen soveltamisala:
This part of ISO 5725 describes the use of robust methods for analysing the results of precision experiments without using outlier tests to exclude data from the calculations, and in particular, the detailed use of several such methods. The robust methods described in this document allow the data to be analysed in such a way that it is not required to make decisions about outliers that affect the results of the calculations.

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