Ehdotuksen tiedot

Tunnus:ISO/DIS 22373
Komitea:ISO/TC 292
Komitean nimi:Security and resilience
Lausuntokierros alkanut:2024-10-20
Lausuntopyynnön määräaika:2024-12-16
Toimialayhteisö:SFS Suomen Standardit
Ehdotuksen soveltamisala:
This document introduces an approach that supports stakeholders in a supply and value chain to ensure chain of trustworthiness regarding properties of their products. As a supply and value chain comprises of several stakeholders and numerous distinct trust domains, this document introduces an approach for identification of interaction points between trust domains and for ensuring that each interaction is trustworthy and aids the establishment of a chain of trustworthiness. This document provides guidelines to identify the information that is essential to be exchanged between supply and value chain stakeholders to establish trustworthiness. Also, it introduces aspects for an interoperable data structure required to negotiate and exchange trustworthiness relevant information amongst supply and value chain stakeholders and different trust domains. This supports achievement of several trustworthiness relevant properties, such as interoperability, robustness, accountability, transparency while preserving privacy and confidentiality. The guidelines set out in this document are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organizations and products, regardless of type, size, or nature. This document does not interfere with any known standards. Different technologies can be leveraged for the implementation of approaches guided in this document. It can also be used to support existing systems. This document is technology agnostic, and the aspects specified in this document can be implemented using various technologies such as PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) certificates, Decentralized Identifiers (DID), Verifiable Credentials (VC), etc.

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