Ehdotuksen tiedot

Tunnus:ISO/DIS 19901-7
Komitea:ISO/TC 67/SC 7
Komitean nimi:Offshore structures
Lausuntokierros alkanut:2024-10-20
Lausuntopyynnön määräaika:2024-12-18
Toimialayhteisö:SFS Suomen Standardit
Ehdotuksen soveltamisala:
This part of ISO 19901 specifies methodologies for: Most station-keeping systems used with the class of floating structures covered by a) are termed “permanent mooring systems”, for which this part of ISO 19901 is applicable to all aspects of the life cycle and includes requirements relating to the manufacture of mooring components, as well as considerations for in-service inspections. Most station-keeping systems used with mobile offshore units, the class covered by b), are termed “mobile mooring systems”. Throughout this part of ISO 19901, the term “floating structure”, sometimes shortened to “structure”, is used as a generic term to indicate any member of the two classes, a) and b). This part of ISO 19901 is applicable to the following types of station-keeping systems, which are either covered directly in this part of ISO 19901 or through reference to other guidelines: This part of ISO 19901 is not applicable to: The requirements for this part of ISO 19901 address spread mooring systems and single point mooring systems with mooring lines composed of steel chain, steel wire or synthetic fibre rope. Descriptions of characteristics and typical components found in these systems are given in Annex A. This document includes requirements relating to the selection of mooring components, mooring system configuration and performance, components design, installation, post-installation survey, and as-installed assessments as needed for mooring integrity management. The procedures for the design of permanent or site assessment of mobile mooring systems specified in this document are based on a deterministic approach where mooring system responses (such as line tensions, vessel offsets, and anchor loads) are evaluated for a design environment defined by an annual probability of exceedance or return period. Mooring system responses are then checked against acceptance criteria for mooring strength, offsets and orientation, clearances, anchor capacity, fatigue resistance, etc. The minimum acceptance criteria are either defined in this document or are to be specified by the Operator. For moored structures (vessels), system responses are calculated and compared to minimum acceptance criteria for: The methodology described in this part of ISO 19901 identifies a set of coherent analysis techniques that, combined with an understanding of the site-specific metocean conditions, the characteristics of the floating structure under consideration, and other factors, can be used to determine the adequacy of the station-keeping system to meet the functional requirements of this document.

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