Ehdotuksen tiedot

Tunnus:ISO/DIS 27928
Komitea:ISO/TC 265
Komitean nimi:Carbon dioxide capture, transportation, and geological storage
Lausuntokierros alkanut:2024-10-27
Lausuntopyynnön määräaika:2024-12-24
Ehdotuksen soveltamisala:
This document specifies methods for measuring and evaluating the performance of CO2 capture connected to a CO2 intensive plant, and which separate CO2 from the CO2 intensive plant exhaust gas in preparation for subsequent transportation and geological storage. In particular, it provides a common methodology to calculate key performance indicators for the CO2 capture plant, requiring the definition of the boundaries of a typical system and the measurements of parameters needed to determine the KPIs. This document covers the CO2 capture plant capturing CO2 from CO2 containing exhaust gas” connected to CO2 intensive plants. The connection of a CO2-capture plant to a CO2-intensive plant is anticipated to have negligible impact on the product quality or the quantities produced by the CO2-intensive plant. This is in contrast with the integration of CO2-capture plants with power plants which usually results in a reduction of the power plant output. For the CO2-intensive industry it is important that product quality remains the same after connection of the CO2-capture plant, in order for the industry to continue to meet customer requirements. The CO2 capture technologies covered by this document are able to operate without interfering with the operations of the CO2 intensive plant. Frequently used CO2 capture technologies are chemical absorption (e.g., liquid amine) and solid adsorption (e.g., Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA), Temperature Swing Adsorption (TSA)). Other CO2 capture concepts are membranes, cryogenic and other capture technologies. The CO2 capture plant can be installed for treatment of the full volume of exhaust gas from the CO2 intensive plant or a fraction of the total (i.e. a slipstream). Captured CO2 is then conditioned, e.g. dried and compressed or liquefied, as determined by the conditions needed for transportation and storage. The transportation can be either through a pipeline or through an intermediate storage facility waiting for shipment; either by tanker car, train, or ship. The KPIs considered in this document are the following: The calculations are based on measurements at the boundary of the CO2 capture plant, particularly of energy and other utilities consumption. The system includes interfaces between the CO2 capture plant and the CO2 intensive plant. This document includes the following items: This document does not provide guidelines for benchmarking, comparing, or assessing KPIs of different technologies or different CO2 capture projects.

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