Ehdotuksen tiedot
Tunnus:ISO/DIS 18758
Komitea:ISO/TC 82
Komitean nimi:Mining
Lausuntokierros alkanut:2025-01-27
Lausuntopyynnön määräaika:2025-03-26
Toimialayhteisö:Metalliteollisuuden Standardisointiyhdistys
Ehdotuksen soveltamisala:
This document specifies the safety requirements for rock drill rigs and rock reinforcement rigs designed for the following underground or surface operations: when used by a well-trained operator in accordance with the information for use and where sufficient measures have been taken to prevent unauthorized entry of persons to the area where machines are working. This document is also applicable to rock drill rigs and rock reinforcement rigs based on earth-moving machinery (EMM) as defined in ISO 6165. This document is not applicable to the following machines: drill rigs for soil and rock mixture, Kelly drill rigs and casing drivers, cable tool drill rigs, pre-armouring machines, sonic drill rigs; shaft sinking drill rigs, crane attached drill rigs, drill rigs on derricks, scaling machines. This document does not cover machines on railway tracks, artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, self-evolving systems, cyber security, lightning, protection against corruption, malicious attempts from third parties, or potentially explosive atmospheres. This document deals with the relevant and significant hazards, hazardous situations, or hazardous events, as listed in Annex C, when the machine is used as intended and under the conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer. This document is not applicable to machines manufactured before the date of its publication.
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