Ehdotuksen tiedot
Tunnus:prEN ISO 21013-3
Komitea:CEN/TC 268
Komitean nimi:Cryogenic vessels and specific hydrogen technologies applications
Lausuntokierros alkanut:2025-02-16
Lausuntopyynnön määräaika:2025-04-17
Toimialayhteisö:Metalliteollisuuden Standardisointiyhdistys
Ehdotuksen soveltamisala:
ISO 21013-3:2016 provides separate calculation methods for determining the required mass flow to be relieved for each of the following specified conditions:
- vacuum-insulated vessels with insulation system (outer jacket + insulating material) intact under normal vacuum, outer jacket at ambient temperature, inner vessel at temperature of the contents at the specified relieving pressure;
- vacuum-insulated vessels with insulation system (outer jacket + insulating material) intact under normal vacuum, outer jacket at ambient temperature, inner vessel at temperature of the contents at the specified relieving pressure, pressure regulator of the pressure build-up system functioning at full potential;
- vacuum or non-vacuum-insulated vessels with insulation system remaining in place, but with loss of vacuum in the case of vacuum-insulated vessels, outer jacket at ambient temperature, inner vessel at temperature of the contents at the specified relieving pressure or vacuum or non-vacuum-insulated vessels with insulation system remaining fully or partially in place, but with loss of vacuum in the case of vacuum-insulated vessels, fire engulfment, inner vessel at temperature of the contents at the specified relieving pressure;
- vacuum-insulated vessels containing fluids with saturation temperature below 75 K at 1 bar with insulation system remaining in place, but with loss of vacuum with air or nitrogen in the vacuum space;
- vacuum insulated vessels containing fluids with saturation temperature below 75 K at 1 bar with insulation system remaining in place, but with loss of vacuum with air or nitrogen in the vacuum space with fire engulfment;
- vessels with insulation system totally lost and fire engulfment.
Good engineering practice based on well-established theoretical physical science needs to be adopted to determine the required mass flow where an appropriate calculation method is not provided for an applicable condition.
Recommendations for pressure relief devices for cryostats are given in Annex A.
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