Ehdotuksen tiedot

Tunnus:ISO/IEC DIS 29110-7-1
Komitea:ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7
Komitean nimi:Software and systems engineering
Lausuntokierros alkanut:2024-11-10
Lausuntopyynnön määräaika:2025-01-09
Toimialayhteisö:SFS Suomen Standardit
Ehdotuksen soveltamisala:
This document provides a guideline to the implementation of the specific space profiles for VSEs specified in the ISO/IEC 29110-6-1 through a set of development processes. Industry and large organisations recognize the value of VSEs, i.e., enterprises, organisations (e.g., government agency, non-profit organisation), projects or departments with up to 25 people, in contributing with emerging new technology that bigger organisations cannot use them as easily nor incorporate them in their solutions as fast. But often these VSEs are not ready to comply with the stringent requirements for space projects. The purpose of this document is to ultimately achieve the process capacity to participate in the development of critical software in the space domain. But not all software in the space domain can be addressed. For example, for software embedded in products that can be fatal to human life, additional safeguards will be required. VSE in space domain can demonstrate the quality in their processes in a stepwise approach to eventually participate in space projects in a faster and feasible way This document is targeted at small suppliers, developers, managers, and quality assurance managers of software products in the space domain. The document may also be used by a single party through a self-imposed set of processes. This document does not prescribe a specific system or software life cycle model, development methodology, model or technique. The users of this document select the processes to be deployed and map them onto the specific project life cycle model. The parties are also responsible for selecting and applying the software development methods and for performing the activities and tasks suitable for the software project. This document is not intended to conflict with any organization's policies, procedures, and standards or with any national laws and regulations. Any such conflict should be resolved before using this document. The processes in this document are contained in Clauses 6, 7, 8 and 9 presented in their correspondent groups as per the ISO/IEC 29110-6-1 respectively. It is recognised that specific projects or organizations may not need to use all the processes provided by this document. Therefore, implementation of this document typically involves selecting a set of processes suitable to the organization or project and will so be reflected in the project plan of each project.

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