SFS Suomen Standardit

Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: ISO/TC 211 (Geographic information/Geomatics)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2024-09-11
Training data is the building block of machine learning models. These models now constitute the majority of machine learning applications in Earth science. Training data is used to train AI/ML models, and to then validate model results. Formalizing and documenting the training data by characterizing the training data content, metadata, data quality, and provenance, and so forth is essential. This document describes work actions around training data:
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: CEN/TC 289 (Leather)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2024-09-12
This Standard specifies a method for determining the colour fastness to sea water of leather of all kinds at all stages of processing.
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: CEN/TC 287 (Geographic Information)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2024-09-12
Vienna agreement ISO lead
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: ISO/TC 46/SC 8 (Quality - Statistics and performance evaluation)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2024-09-12
This document defines and describes methods for measuring and assessing the impact of museums on individuals and on society. The methods described can be used for identifying areas of influence of museums and their services, and for reporting such influence to stakeholders and the general public. This document is not intended to exclude the use of further instruments for assessing the impact of museums. This document does not deal with quality indicators for museums (see ISO 21246). Not all methods described in this International Standard may apply to all museums at any time. Limitations on the applicability of individual methods are specified in the descriptions of the methods in this document.
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: CEN/TC 58 (Safety and control devices for burners and appliances burning gaseous or liquid fuels)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2024-09-12
EN 13611:2019, Clause 1 applies with the following modification and addition: Modification: The 1st paragraph of EN 13611:2019, Clause 1 is replaced by: This document specifies the safety, design, construction, and performance requirements and testing for multifunctional controls for burners and appliances burning one or more gaseous fuels, hereafter referred to as ‘MFC’. This document is applicable to MFCs with declared maximum inlet pressures up to and including 50 kPa and nominal connection sizes up to and including DN 150. The 4th paragraph of EN 13611:2019, Clause 1 is removed. Addition: This document is applicable to MFCs consisting of two or more functions, at least one of which is a mechanical control, as specified in the relevant control standard (see Figure 1). This document is not applicable to MFCs consisting only of electronics (an example is a combination of functions according to EN 298:2022 and EN 1643:2022).
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 24 (Computer graphics, image processing and environmental data representation)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2024-09-16
This document describes guidelines for developing education and training systems using VR/AR/MR technology. It specifies how to organize the information and data necessary for the development of VR/AR/MR integrated systems for education and training. It includes a procedure for the development of VR/AR/MR integrated systems for education and training using ISO/IEC JTC 1 standards. This document includes several topics for consideration when developing VR/AR/MR based LET systems, as follows. First, it defines concepts of VR/AR/MR based LET. Second, it defines an information modelling architecture for education and training systems. Third, standards based functional components for education and training systems are specified. Fourth, framework components for implementing education and training systems are specified. And, finally, use cases for VR/AR/MR based LET systems based on the information modelling architecture are included. Device hardware technology for learning, education, and training systems is excluded from this document.
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: ISO/TC 215 (Health informatics)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2024-09-16
This document defines the core data set for a patient summary, which supports continuity of care for a person and assists with coordination of any healthcare experienced. The International Patient Summary (IPS) model supports the use case scenario for cross organization care. The IPS is used in planned and unplanned care scenarios, and in local and international contexts. This document provides an abstract definition of a patient summary from which derived models are implementable. Compliance with this document does not imply automatic technical interoperability. However, interoperability is enabled by this document through conformant IPS Artefacts such as implementation guides and profiles from within the IPS Suite. This document does not cover the workflow processes of data entry, data collection, data summarization, subsequent data presentation, assimilation, or aggregation. Furthermore, this document does not cover the summarization act itself, i.e., the intelligence/skill/competence that results in the data summarization workflow. It is not an implementation guide that is concerned with the various technical layers beneath the application layer.
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 (Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2024-09-17
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: ISO/TC 37/SC 5 (Translation, interpreting and related technology)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2024-09-18
This document provides requirements and recommendations regarding the design, equipment and operation of hubs for simultaneous interpreting. This document also ensures the usability and accessibility of hubs for all interpreters. This document builds upon ISO 20109, Simultaneous interpreting — Equipment — Requirements, and ISO 24019, Simultaneous interpreting delivery platforms — Requirements and recommendations, which both contain requirements and recommendations regarding the equipment necessary for simultaneous interpreting.
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: SFS (SFS Suomen Standardit)
Alkuperä: SFS
Määräpäivä: 2024-09-18


Tämä standardi laadittiin, koska standardista SFS 3352 Palavien nesteiden jakeluasema (nk. jakeluasemastandardi) poistettiin ajoneuvojen pesu- ja huoltotoimintaa koskevat vaatimukset. Vaatimusten esittäminen nähtiin kuitenkin tarpeellisiksi kaikille osapuolille (suunnittelijoista viranomaisiin) ja niistä päätettiin laatia oma standardinsa. Lisäksi pesu- ja huoltotoimintaa harjoitetaan nykyään enenemässä määrin myös muualla kuin jakeluasemilla ja kaikilla toimijoilla tulee olla yhtenäiset vaatimukset.

Öljy- ja biopolttoaineala ry (toiminta päättynyt v. 2019) ylläpiti huoltoasemien jätevesiohjelmaa, jonka päätarkoituksena oli varmistaa, etteivät huoltoasemien autonpesusta lähtevät jätevedet aiheuta häiriöitä vesilaitosten biologisilla jätevedenpuhdistamoilla. Jätevesiohjelman olennainen osa oli käytettävien pesuaineyhdistelmien testaus- ja hyväksymisjärjestelmä. Kohdassa 5.4 (Ajoneuvojen pesupaikoilla käytettävät kemikaalit) esitetyt vaatimukset pesuaineyhdistelmille pohjautuvat näihin v. 2018 julkaistuihin ohjeisiin.

Tämän standardin opastavissa tiedoissa on kerrottu standardin soveltamisalaan liittyvä lainsäädäntö.



Tätä standardia sovelletaan ajoneuvojen ammattimaiseen pesu- ja huoltotoimintaan. Pesutoiminta sisältää konepesun, itsepalvelupesun ja ammattimaisen käsinpesun. Huoltotoiminta sisältää ajoneuvojen ammattimaisen huolto- ja korjaustoiminnan. Standardia voidaan käyttää soveltuvin osin ohjeena myös vastaavien pesu-, huolto- ja korjauspaikkojen, kuten automaalaamoiden toiminnassa sekä sellaisia suunniteltaessa ja rakennettaessa. Toimintoihin luetaan myös raskaan kaluston (kuten linja-autot ja kuorma-autot) ajoneuvojen huoltotoiminnat. Standardissa käsitellään erityisesti ympäristö- ja paloturvallisuuteen liittyviä erityispiirteitä. Toiminnoissa käytettäville laitteille ja laitteistoille on esitetty vaatimuksia säädöksissä ja standardeissa. Tilaluokitusten osalta vaatimuksia on esitetty SFS-käsikirjassa 59.

Tässä standardissa kuvattuja toiminnallisia käytäntöjä voidaan soveltaa olemassa oleviin kohteisiin. Tämän standardin rakennevaatimuksia ei ole tarkoitettu sovellettavaksi taannehtivasti ennen sen julkaisemista rakennettuihin ajoneuvojen pesu- ja huoltopaikkoihin. Tehtäessä muutos- tai laajennustöitä näissä ajoneuvojen pesu- ja huoltopaikoissa voidaan standardissa annettuja ohjeita soveltaa muutos- ja laajennustöiden käsittämässä laajuudessa soveltuvin osin.

Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: ASD-STAN (Aerospace)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2024-09-19
This document specifies the male coding and attachment system for mounting on fixed housing in the family of rectangular electrical connectors with sealed and non-sealed rear, plastic housing, locking device, for operating temperatures from -55 °C to 175 °C.
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: CEN/TC 251 (Health informatics)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2024-09-19
This document defines the core data set for a patient summary document that supports continuity of care for a person and coordination of their healthcare. It is specifically aimed at supporting the use case’ scenario for ‘unplanned, cross border care’ and is intended to be an international patient summary (IPS). Whilst the data set is minimal and non-exhaustive, it provides a robust, well-defined core set of data items. The tight focus on this use case also enables the IPS to be used in planned care. This means that both unplanned and planned care can be supported by this data set within local and national contexts, thereby increasing its utility and value. It uses the European Guideline from the eHN as the initial source for the patient summary requirements, then takes into consideration other international patient summary projects to provide an interoperable data set specification that has global application. This document provides an abstract definition of a Patient Summary from which derived models are implementable. Due to its nature therefore, readers should be aware that the compliance with this document does not imply automatic technical interoperability; this result, enabled by this document, can be reached with the conformity to standards indicated in the associated technical specification and implementation guides. This document does not cover the workflow processes of data entry, data collection, data summarization, subsequent data presentation, assimilation, or aggregation. Furthermore, this document does not cover the summarization act itself, i.e. the intelligence/skill/competence that results in the data summarization workflow. It is not an implementation guide that is concerned with the various technical layers beneath the application layer. Implementation guidance for specifically jurisdictional concerns, e.g. Directives, terminologies, formats, etc., an example is specified in the associated Technical Specification[3]. In particular, representation by various coding schemes, additional structures and terminologies are not part of this document. Terminology and its binding are addressed in Reference [3]. The Identification of Medicinal Products standards (abbreviated to IDMP) are the recommended target for the Medication Summary related to this document but, prior to IDMP’s full implementation in practice, this IPS standard cannot insist in its use at this point in time and recognizes that interim schemes might be necessary until IDMP becomes established as a norm.
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: CEN/SS A07 (Translation and Interpretation services)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2024-09-19
This document specifies requirements and recommendations to set up, equip and run hubs for simultaneous interpreting, from where one or more interpreters provide their services to communicative events taking place elsewhere. Usability and accessibility for all interpreters, including those with special needs, will be taken into account. ISO 17651-1, ISO 17651-2, ISO 20109 and ISO 24019 contain requirements and recommendations complementing this document.
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: CEN/TC 19 (Gaseous and liquid fuels, lubricants and related products of petroleum, synthetic and biological origin)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2024-09-19
This document specifies a method for the separation of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) from middle distillates by liquid chromatography (LC) and for the determination of the pattern of the fatty acid methyl esters by gas chromatography (GC) according to EN 14103. The pattern of the fatty acid methyl esters might be used for calculation of the average molecular mass of FAME according to EN 14078 [1]. Independently from the origin of the middle distillate, this method is applicable to FAME of vegetable or animal origin that contain fatty acid methyl esters between C6:0 and C24:1. The method is suitable for the separation and determination of FAME from middle distillates with FAME contents of at least 2 % (V/V). NOTE For the purpose of this document, the terms % (V/V) and % (m/m) are used to express volume fractions in % or mass fractions in %.
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 (Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2024-09-19
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: CEN/TC 287 (Geographic Information)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2024-09-19
Vienna agreement ISO lead
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: ISO/TC 215 (Health informatics)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2024-09-23
This document defines universal and specialized characteristics of health terminological resources that make them fit for the purposes required of various applications. It refers only to terminological resources that are primarily designed to be used for clinical concept representation or to those parts of other terminological resources designed to be used for clinical concept representation. This document helps users to assess whether a terminology has the characteristics or provides the functions that will support their specified requirements. The focus of this document is to define characteristics and functions of terminological resources in healthcare that can be used to identify different types of them for categorization purposes. Clauses 4 and 5 support categorization according to the characteristics and functions of the terminological resources rather than the name. The target groups for this document are: This document contains general characteristics and criteria with which systems can be evaluated. The following considerations are outside the scope of this document.
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: CEN/TC 251 (Health informatics)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2024-09-26
ISO 17117-1:2018 defines universal and specialized characteristics of health terminological resources that make them fit for the purposes required of various applications. It refers only to terminological resources that are primarily designed to be used for clinical concept representation or to those parts of other terminological resources designed to be used for clinical concept representation. ISO 17117-1:2018 helps users to assess whether a terminology has the characteristics or provides the functions that will support their specified requirements. The focus of this document is to define characteristics and functions of terminological resources in healthcare that can be used to identify different types of them for categorization purposes. Clauses 4 and 5 support categorization according to the characteristics and functions of the terminological resources rather than the name. NOTE Categorization of healthcare terminological systems according to the name of the system might not be helpful and has caused confusion in the past. The target groups for this document are: a) organizations wishing to select terminological systems for use in healthcare information systems; b) developers of terminological systems; c) developers of terminology standards; d) those undertaking independent evaluations/academic reviews of terminological resources; e) terminology Registration Authorities. ISO 17117-1:2018 contains general characteristics and criteria with which systems can be evaluated. The following considerations are outside the scope of this document. - Evaluations of terminological resources. - Health service requirements for terminological resources and evaluation criteria based on the characteristics and functions. - The nature and quality of mappings between different terminologies. It is unlikely that a single terminology will meet all the terminology requirements of a healthcare organization: some terminology providers produce mappings to administrative or statistical classifications such as the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). The presence of such maps would be a consideration in the evaluation of the terminology. - The nature and quality of mappings between different versions of the same terminology. To support data migration and historical retrieval, terminology providers can provide maps between versions of their terminology. The presence of such maps would be a consideration in the evaluation of the terminology. - Terminology server requirements and techniques and tools for terminology developers. - Characteristics for computational biology terminology. Progress in medical science and in terminology science will necessitate updating of this document in due course.
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: CEN/TC 19 (Gaseous and liquid fuels, lubricants and related products of petroleum, synthetic and biological origin)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2024-09-26
This document specifies a wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) test method for the determination of the sulfur content in ethanol (E85) automotive fuel [3], containing ethanol between 50 % (V/V) and 85 % (V/V), from 5 mg/kg to 20 mg/kg, using instruments with either monochromatic or polychromatic excitation. NOTE 1 Sulfur contents higher than 20 mg/kg can be determined after sample dilution with an appropriate solvent. However, the precision was not established for diluted samples. NOTE 2 For the purposes of this document, the terms "% (m/m)" and "% (V/V)" are used to represent the mass fraction (µ) and the volume fraction (f) of a material respectively. WARNING - The use of this document can involve hazardous materials, operations and equipment. This document does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this document to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: CEN/TC 52 (Safety of toys)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2024-09-26
This document specifies requirements and test methods for toy trampolines for domestic use, their access devices and their enclosures, intended for outdoor and/or indoor use by one person at a time. The scope of this document excludes: - trampolines used as gymnastic equipment, covered by EN 13219:2008; - floating inflatable trampolines, covered by the EN ISO 25649:2017 series; - trampolines used in public playgrounds; - inclined mat trampolines; - inflatable trampolines; - fitness trampolines, including trampolines for medical use; - trampolines with additional features, e.g. tents, basketball hoop.