
Toimialayhteisö: Väylävirasto
Komitea: CEN/TC 227 (Road materials)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-04-03
This document describes two test methods: - basket method (see Clause 4); - beaker method (see Clause 5). The basket method describes a method for determining binder drainage of bituminous mixtures. This method directly measures binder drainage, but when carried out on bituminous mixtures with fibres or mixtures whose mortar content is higher than in porous asphalt some clogging of the holes in the drainage baskets can occur, limiting the drainage of the binder. The basket method can be used either for determining the binder drainage for different binder content, or with a single binder content, eliminating the successive repetitions. It also enables the effects of varying fine aggregate types or including any anti-draining additive to be quantified. The beaker method describes a method for determining binder drainage of bituminous mixtures. It is applicable to asphalt materials that are not porous asphalt or for porous asphalt incorporating fibres. It can be used either for determining the binder drainage for different binder content, or with a single binder content, eliminating the successive repetitions. It also enables the effects of varying fine aggregate types or including any anti-draining additive to be quantified.
Toimialayhteisö: Väylävirasto
Komitea: CEN/TC 341 (Geotechnical Investigation and Testing)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-05-15
This document establishes the specifications for the execution of static load tests on soil nails or rock bolts, in which a single element (soil nail or rock bolt) is subjected to an axial static load in tension in order to define its load-displacement behaviour. Load tests on rock bolts are also covered by this document
Toimialayhteisö: Väylävirasto
Komitea: ISO/TC 182 (Geotechnics)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2025-05-16
This document establishes the specifications for the execution of tension tests to be carried out on soil nails and rock bolts. This document provides specifications for three types of tension tests: investigation tests, suitability tests and acceptance tests. Two methods of testing are recognised by this document. Test Method A involves step-loaded maintained load tension tests. Test Method B involves constant displacement rate tension tests. This document provides specifications for the experimental devices, the measurement apparatus, the test procedures, the definition and the presentation of the test results and the content of records, aiming at:
Toimialayhteisö: Väylävirasto
Komitea: CEN/TC 227 (Road materials)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-05-22
This document specifies a test method for determining the particle loss of porous asphalt mixtures. Particle loss is assessed by the loss of mass of porous asphalt samples after turns in the Los Angeles machine. This test enables the estimation of the abrasion resistance of porous asphalt. The test applies to laboratory compacted cylindrical specimens of porous asphalt mixtures, the upper sieve size of which does not exceed 22,4 mm. It does not reflect the abrasive effect by studded tyres.
Toimialayhteisö: Väylävirasto
Komitea: CEN/TC 227 (Road materials)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-05-22
This document specifies a test method for determining the (splitting) indirect tensile strength of cylindrical specimens of bituminous mixtures.
Toimialayhteisö: Väylävirasto
Komitea: CEN/TC 227 (Road materials)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-05-22
This document specifies test methods for sampling bituminous mixtures for roads and other paved areas to determine their physical properties and composition.