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Toimialayhteisö: Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: CEN/TC 216 (Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-02-20
This document specifies a test method and the minimum requirements for bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectant and antiseptic products that form a homogeneous, physically stable preparation when diluted with hard water or - in the case of ready-to-use products - with water. Products can only be tested at a concentration of 80 % or less, as some dilution is always produced by adding the test organisms and interfering substance. The method described is intended to determine the activity of commercial formulations or active substances under the conditions in which they are used. This document applies to products that are used for equipment disinfection by immersion, surface disinfection by wiping, spraying, flooding or other means and teat disinfection in the veterinary area - e.g. in the breeding, husbandry, production, veterinary care facilities, transport and disposal of all animals except when in the food chain following death and entry into processing industry. This document also applies to products used for teat disinfection in these veterinary areas. This method is not applicable to evaluate the activity of hand hygiene products. For these products reference is made to EN 14885, which specifies in detail the relationship of the various tests to one another and to "use recommendations". NOTE This method corresponds to a phase 2 step 1 test.
Toimialayhteisö: Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: CEN/TC 129 (Glass in building)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-02-20
This document specifies methods of determining the luminous and solar characteristics of glazing in buildings. These characteristics can serve as a basis for lighting, heating and cooling calculations of rooms and permit comparison between different types of glazing. This document applies both to conventional glazing and to absorbing or reflecting solar-control glazing, used as vertical or horizontal glazed apertures. The appropriate formulae for single, double and triple glazing are given. A matrix method is provided as an alternative calculation method. This document introduces a method to determine the luminous and solar properties of Building-Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) glazing. This document is accordingly applicable to all transparent materials except those which show significant transmission in the wavelength region 5 µm to 50 µm of ambient temperature radiation, such as certain plastic materials. Materials with light-scattering properties for incident radiation are dealt with as conventional transparent materials subject to certain conditions (see 5.2). Angular light and solar properties of glass in building are excluded from this document. However, research work in this area is summarized in Bibliographic references [1], [2] and [3]. Guidance on the measurement of luminous and spectral properties of glass can be found in the Bibliography [4]. Vacuum Insulating Glass (VIG) is excluded from the scope of this document. For determination of the g value of VIG, please refer to ISO 19916-1.
Toimialayhteisö: Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: CEN/TC 293 (Assistive products and accessibility)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-02-20
ISO 15621:2017 gives guidelines for evaluating absorbent incontinence aids for urine and/or faeces. It provides a context for the procedures described in other International Standards and published testing procedures. General factors relating to incontinence products and their usage are also addressed.
Toimialayhteisö: Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: CEN/TC 278 (Intelligent transport systems)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-02-20
This document defines terms within the field of electronic fee collection (EFC). This document defines: — terms within the fields of electronic fee collection and road user charging; — terms that are used in standards related to electronic fee collection; — terms of a more general use that are used more specifically in standards related to electronic fee collection. This document does not define: — Terms related primarily to other fields that operate in conjunction with EFC, such as terms for intelligent transport systems (ITS), common payment systems, the financial sector, etc. — Deprecated terms.
Toimialayhteisö: Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: CEN/TC 215 (Respiratory and anaesthetic equipment)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-02-20
This document is applicable to the basic safety and essential performance of sleep apnoea breathing therapy equipment, hereafter referred to as ME equipment, intended to alleviate the symptoms of patients who suffer from obstructive sleep apnoea by delivering a therapeutic breathing pressure to the respiratory tract of the patient. Sleep apnoea breathing therapy equipment is intended for use in the home healthcare environment by lay operators as well as in professional healthcare institutions. * Sleep apnoea breathing therapy equipment is not considered to utilize a physiologic closed-loop-control system unless it uses a physiological patient variable to adjust the therapy settings. This document excludes sleep apnoea breathing therapy equipment intended for use with neonates. This document is applicable to ME equipment or an ME system intended for those patients who are not dependent on mechanical ventilation. This document is not applicable to ME equipment or an ME system intended for those patients who are dependent on mechanical ventilation such as patients with central sleep apnoea. This document is also applicable to those accessories intended by their manufacturer to be connected to sleep apnoea breathing therapy equipment, where the characteristics of those accessories can affect the basic safety or essential performance of the sleep apnoea breathing therapy equipment. Masks and application accessories intended for use during sleep apnoea breathing therapy are additionally addressed by ISO 17510. Refer to Figure AA.1 for items covered further under this document. If a clause or subclause is specifically intended to be applicable to ME equipment only, or to ME systems only, the title and content of that clause or subclause will say so. If that is not the case, the clause or subclause applies both to ME equipment and to ME systems, as relevant. Hazards inherent in the intended physiological function of ME equipment or ME systems within the scope of this document are not covered by specific requirements in this document except in 7.2.13 and 8.4.1 of the general standard. NOTE See also 4.2 of the general standard. This document is not applicable to high-frequency jet ventilators (HFJVs) or high-frequency oscillatory ventilators (HFOVs), which are given in ISO 80601-2-87[13]. This document does not specify the requirements for ventilators or accessories intended for critical care ventilators for ventilator-dependent patients, which are given in ISO 80601-2-12. This document does not specify the requirements for ventilators or accessories intended for anaesthetic applications, which are given in ISO 80601-2-13[8]. This document does not specify the requirements for ventilators or accessories intended for home care ventilators for ventilator-dependent patients, which are given in ISO 80601-2-72[9]. This document does not specify the requirements for ventilators or accessories intended for emergency and transport, which are given in ISO 80601-2-84[12]. This document does not specify the requirements for ventilators or accessories intended for home-care ventilatory support, which are given in ISO 80601-2-79[10] and ISO 80601-2-80[11].
Toimialayhteisö: Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: ISO/TC 22/SC 32 (Electrical and electronic components and general system aspects)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2025-02-21
This document contains procedures for performance testing of electrical terminals, connectors, and components for coaxial-style cable with an outside cable diameter of 3,6 mm and smaller. These are often called mini coaxial connector systems. This document applies to coaxial cable connection systems that operate at frequencies from DC to up to 9 GHz and are intended for road vehicles. The characteristic impedance of the mini-coax connection system described here is 50 O, however nothing excludes the use of these connectors in systems with a different characteristic impedance. This document applies only to connection systems using coaxial cable. This document is intended to assess a connector with the same pass/fail outcome as Reference [1] would produce. Users are encouraged to consider using existing design interfaces. Examples of existing design interfaces, both water sealed and unsealed, are identified in Annex F.
Toimialayhteisö: Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: ISO/TC 204 (Intelligent transport systems)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2025-02-25
This document defines terms within the field of electronic fee collection (EFC). This document defines: This document does not define:
Toimialayhteisö: Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: ISO/TC 121/SC 3 (Respiratory devices and related equipment used for patient care)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-03
Toimialayhteisö: Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: CEN/TC 256 (Railway applications)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-13
This document specifies requirements for the approval of a welding process in a fixed plant, together with the requirements for subsequent welding production. This document applies to new Vignole rails manufactured in accordance to EN 13674-1 and welded by flash butt welding to crossing components in a fixed plant, and intended for use on railway infrastructures. This document applies to cast Manganese crossings manufactured to EN 15689, fabricated crossings manufactured from rail and crossings manufactured from forged/rolled premium steels. NOTE EN 14587-1 is also used for the flashed butt welding of switches. Sometimes special profiles exist in crossing construction, which are not rail profiles as defined in EN 13674 series (example: profile with machined off rail foot). In these cases, tests are defined by the railway authority in participation with the manufacturer.
Toimialayhteisö: Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: CEN/TC 256 (Railway applications)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-13
1.1 General This document specifies the requirements for machines and associated equipment, without rail-wheels, designed and intended for work on railway infrastructure, henceforward referred to as ‘MWR’. This document also covers MWR intended for use on urban rail infrastructure. The types of MWR covered by this document also include: - MWR with power driven mechanisms; - MWR with manually driven mechanisms; - hand held machines (with ability to attach to track). NOTE 1 Railway maintenance and infrastructure inspection machines fitted with rail-wheels are dealt with in other European standards, see CEN/TR 17498:2020. This document specifies the requirements to deal with the common hazards during transport, assembly and installation, commissioning, working, including setting up, programming, and process changeover, operation, cleaning, fault finding, maintenance and decommissioning of MWR and associated equipment when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable. The requirements set out in this document are intended to control the hazards associated with the engineering aspects of MWR. NOTE 2 It is anticipated that a safe system of work (see EN 16704-1:2017) will additionally be required. NOTE 3 It is anticipated that the manufacturer of the MWR will comply with the Machinery Directive/Machinery Regulations. 1.2 Validity of this document This document applies to all machines, which are ordered one year after the publication date by CEN of this document. 1.3 Additional application of this document Infrastructure managers could use this document for certain aspects of a machine that has not been designed specifically for use in a railway environment where the design of these aspects assumes an additional safety relevance when used in a railway environment.
Toimialayhteisö: Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: CEN/TC 136 (Sports, playground and other recreational facilities and equipment)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-13
This document specifies safety requirements and test methods for avalanche airbag systems to reduce the risk of being buried by a snow avalanche. This document does not consider personal protection against impact or cold temperature.
Toimialayhteisö: Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: CEN/TC 136 (Sports, playground and other recreational facilities and equipment)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-13
This document specifies general safety requirements for the manufacture, installation, inspection and maintenance of permanently installed, freely accessible outdoor fitness equipment. This document does not cover electrically driven equipment, functional training facilities (typically with unrestrained weights) nor military style obstacle courses with restricted access. The equipment is intended for youths and adults or users having an overall height greater than 1 400 mm to promote fitness by using the equipment to exercise. Equipment covered by this document is not playground equipment for children (EN 1176 series [1]), indoor stationary training equipment (EN ISO 20957 series [2], EN 957 6) or free access multi-sports equipment (EN 15312 [3]) even if it meets the requirements of each of these standards. NOTE In this document "permanently installed outdoor fitness equipment" is simply called "fitness equipment".
Toimialayhteisö: Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: CEN/TC 136 (Sports, playground and other recreational facilities and equipment)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-13
This document is applicable to free access unsupervised multi-sports equipment and combinations intended for permanent installation, primarily used for training, recreational and educational use outdoors. This document specifies requirements for free access unsupervised multi-sports equipment which may incorporate a multi-sports surround, ball stop screen and various equipment for sports such as badminton, basketball, football, futsal, handball, hockey, tennis, and volleyball. This document specifies requirements, including safety, for the equipment itself as well as for its installation, operation, inspection, and maintenance. This document is applicable to multi-sports equipment intended for individual and collective public use primarily by children and teenagers. This document is not applicable to equipment as defined in the following standards: — Playground equipment and surfacing EN 1176 series, — Skateparks EN 14974, — Artificial climbing structures EN 12572 series, — Basketball equipment EN 1270, — Volleyball equipment EN 1271, — Football goals EN 748, — Handball goals EN 749, — Hockey goals EN 750, — Table tennis EN 14468-1 and EN 14468-2, — Tennis equipment EN 1510, — Badminton equipment EN 1509, — Portable and permanent socketed goals EN 16579, — Lightweight goals EN 16664, — Parkour equipment EN 16899 and — Permanently installed outdoor fitness equipment EN 16630. This document does not deal with beach equipment, the ground surfaces, the local environment, and any feature outside the multi-sports equipment. This document does not include any specific requirements other than for access and egress for disabled users.
Toimialayhteisö: Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: CEN/TC 256 (Railway applications)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-13
This part of EN 16432 series specifies how to integrate the particular aspects of ballastless track systems for attenuation of vibration into the system and subsystem design and component configuration according to EN 16432-2:2017. The general system and subsystem design requirements are assigned from EN 16432-1:2017. Additional noise and vibration requirements can be project specific and are not provided by this document. Acoustic requirements are considered as input for the track design from the acoustic design. The acoustic design and the track design affect each other and may require an iterative overall design process. The range of applicability covers all kind of rail systems including Urban Rail systems.
Toimialayhteisö: Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: ISO/TC 22/SC 34 (Propulsion, powertrain and powertrain fluids)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-14
This document specifies dimensional requirements for clamp mounted CR fuel injectors and their corresponding cylinder head features in diesel engines. According to the injector nozzle capnut, the clamp mounted CR fuel injectors can be divided into two types: Each clamp mounted CR fuel injector type is subdivided by a series of different sizes.