
Toimialayhteisö: Muoviteollisuus
Komitea: ISO/TC 138/SC 4 (Plastics pipes and fittings for the supply of gaseous fuels)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2024-06-21
This document specifies the physical and mechanical properties of fittings made from unplasticized polyamide (PA-U) in accordance with ISO 16486-1, intended to be buried and used for the supply of gaseous fuels. It also specifies the test parameters for the test methods to which it refers. The ISO 16486 series is applicable to PA-U piping systems, the components of which are connected by fusion jointing and/or mechanical jointing. In addition, it lays down dimensional characteristics and requirements for the marking of fittings. In conjunction with the other parts of the ISO 16486 series, this document is applicable to PA-U fittings, their joints, joints with components of PA-U and joints with mechanical fittings of other materials, and to the following fitting types:
Toimialayhteisö: Kemesta
Komitea: ISO/TC 287 (Sustainable processes for wood and wood-based products)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2024-06-21
This document provides a methodology for determining the greenhouse gas emissions from either an alternative product or a representative mix of alternative products. It also provides methodology for calculating the displacement potential for wood and wood-based products. This document also deals with situations that do not lead to displacement. This document is intended to be used by organizations seeking to understand, commit to or contribute to climate change mitigation. These organizations can be either private or public, regardless of type or size, and located in any jurisdiction, or position within a specific value chain.
Toimialayhteisö: Kemesta
Komitea: ISO/TC 287 (Sustainable processes for wood and wood-based products)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2024-06-21
This document specifies how to calculate the greenhouse gas dynamics of a set of wood and wood-based products. It includes the greenhouse gas emissions, removals, and carbon pools for one or multiple forest management unit(s), harvested wood product(s), value chain(s), and potential displacement of emissions from alternative products replaced by wood-based products. Together these four components represent the greenhouse gas dynamics of a set of wood and wood-based products. The scope of the calculations are the organizational or an aggregated level, comprising the area of study. This document sets general requirements and overarching terminology. This document specifies the different components of a greenhouse gas dynamics calculation. This document includes information on how claims and declarations can be communicated based on this standard, both within the value chain and to customers and consumers. This document is intended to be used by organizations seeking to understand, commit to or contribute to climate change mitigation. These organizations can be either private or public, regardless of type or size, and located in any jurisdiction, or position within a specific value chain.
Toimialayhteisö: SESKO
Komitea: SFS (SFS Suomen Standardit)
Alkuperä: SFS
Määräpäivä: 2024-06-30
Tässä standardissa määritellään yleiset turvallisuusvaatimukset yksivaiheisille mitoitusvirraltaan enintään 16 A ja mitoitusjännitteeltään 250 V (vaihtosähköä, 50/60 Hz) kytkentätarvikkeille, joita käytetään ajoneuvon sähkölaitteiden yhdistämiseen sähköverkkoon. Esimerkkejä ajoneuvoissa käytettävistä sähkölaitteista ovat moottorinlämmittimet, akunvaraajat ja sisätilanlämmittimet. Tätä standardia voidaan soveltaa myös muita vastaavia käyttötarkoituksia varten tarkoitetuille kytkentätarvikkeille. Tämä standardi ei koske ? kotitaloussähkölaitteen tai vastaavan laitteen liitäntäjohdossa olevia kytkentätarvikkeita ? sähköajoneuvojen akkujen varaamiseen käytettäviä pistokytkimiä ? sovittimia (adaptereita), joiden käyttö ei ole sallittuja tämän standardin tarkoittamissa käyttötarkoituksissa.