- Kemesta (24)
- Metalliteollisuuden Standardisointiyhdistys (84)
- Muoviteollisuus (18)
- Palvelualojen työnantajat PALTA (7)
- Rakennustuoteteollisuus RTT (16)
- SESKO (5)
- SFS Suomen Standardit (85)
- Suomen ympäristökeskus (5)
- Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto Traficom (0)
- Väylävirasto (3)
- Yhteinen Toimialaliitto (19)
SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: ISO/TC 42
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-12
This part of ISO 12234 specifies the Digital Negative (DNG) image file format, published by Adobe Systems as the "Digital Negative (DNG) Specification." This includes specifying DNG by capturing and reconciling major adoptions and implementations of Adobe DNG. A DNG file shall meet the requirements provided in this specification.
Metalliteollisuuden Standardisointiyhdistys
Komitea: CEN/TC 156
(Ventilation for buildings)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-12
This document specifies laboratory test methods, test requirements and classifications for the casings of non-residential air handling units (AHU). For the leakage tests, a method for on-site testing is also included.
The test methods and requirements are applicable to both model boxes and real units, except for the thermal and acoustic performance of the casing.
The test method for the thermal performance of the casing is applicable to the comparison of different casing constructions, but not for the calculation of thermal losses through casing or the risk of condensation.
The test method for the acoustic performance of the casing is applicable for the comparison of different constructions, but not for the provision of accurate acoustic data for specific units.
This document is not applicable for fan-coil units and similar products.
The filter bypass test specified in this document is not applicable to high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter installations.
Komitea: CEN/TC 155
(Plastics piping systems and ducting systems)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-13
This document specifies requirements and test methods for pipes and fittings which are part of piping systems for the rehabilitation by means of renovation and trenchless replacement of underground non-pressure and pressure drainage and sewerage networks and water supply networks, which transport water intended for human consumption, including raw water pipelines.
It is applicable to polyethylene (PE) pipes, fittings and assemblies, as manufactured and as installed. It is not applicable to the existing pipeline.
It is applicable to technique families for renovation:
— lining with continuous pipes;
— lining with close-fit pipes;
and technique families for trenchless replacement:
— pipe bursting and pipe extraction;
— horizontal directional drilling and impact moling.
and intended to be used at an operating temperature of 20 °C as the reference temperature.
NOTE For applications operating at constant temperatures greater than 20 °C and up to 40 °C, see ISO 4427 1:2019, Annex A.
When used with lining with continuous pipes, lining with close-fit pipes and trenchless replacement technique families, this document is applicable to:
PE solid wall single layered pipes, (nominal outside diameter, dn), including any identification stripes;
PE pipes with co-extruded layers on either or both the outside and inside of the pipe (total outside diameter, dn), as specified in Annex E, where all layers have the same MRS rating.
Furthermore, when used with lining with continuous pipes and trenchless replacement this document is applicable to:
— PE coated pipes (outside diameter, dn) having a peelable, contiguous, thermoplastics additional layer on the outside of the pipe (“coated pipe”), as specified in Annex E.
This document is applicable to jointing by means of butt fusion and electrofusion and to fabricated and injection-moulded fittings and mechanical connections of PE.
SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: CEN/TC 181
(Appliances and leisure vehicle installations using liquefied petroleum gas and appliances using natural gas for outdoor use)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-13
This document applies to household appliances intended for outdoor use capable of working with gases of the second family or second and third family.
The scope of this document is the same as the scope of the product standards developed by the European Technical Committee CEN/TC 181 covering the same type of appliance but limited to the use of liquefied petroleum gases, hereinafter referred to as ‘the product standard’.
NOTE For example, product standards are:
- for an independent cooktop: EN 484;
- for multi-purpose burners with integrated support: EN 497;
- for a barbecue or griddle: EN 498;
- for a patio heater: EN 14543;
- flueless non-domestic space heaters: EN 461;
- ...
This document applies to the manufacturing, testing and marking of appliances prior to their placing on the market and during further assessments. This document is not intended to be used for changing the gas category of an appliance already put on the market.
This document specifies the modifications of the appliances allowed to change the type of gas to be used depending of its gas category.
This document specifies the complementary information and requirement about constructional and performance characteristics, safety specifications and rational use of energy, relevant test methods and marking of household appliances intended for outdoor use capable of operating with second-family gases (defined in EN 437:2021).
This document does not apply to appliances burning liquefied petroleum gases at the vapour pressure within the gas cartridge or gas cylinder.
This document does not apply to appliances under the scope of EN 449:2002+A1:2007.
Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: CEN/TC 256
(Railway applications)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-13
This document specifies requirements for the approval of a welding process in a fixed plant, together with the requirements for subsequent welding production.
This document applies to new Vignole rails manufactured in accordance to EN 13674-1 and welded by flash butt welding to crossing components in a fixed plant, and intended for use on railway infrastructures.
This document applies to cast Manganese crossings manufactured to EN 15689, fabricated crossings manufactured from rail and crossings manufactured from forged/rolled premium steels.
NOTE EN 14587-1 is also used for the flashed butt welding of switches.
Sometimes special profiles exist in crossing construction, which are not rail profiles as defined in EN 13674 series (example: profile with machined off rail foot). In these cases, tests are defined by the railway authority in participation with the manufacturer.
Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: CEN/TC 256
(Railway applications)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-13
1.1 General
This document specifies the requirements for machines and associated equipment, without rail-wheels, designed and intended for work on railway infrastructure, henceforward referred to as ‘MWR’. This document also covers MWR intended for use on urban rail infrastructure. The types of MWR covered by this document also include:
- MWR with power driven mechanisms;
- MWR with manually driven mechanisms;
- hand held machines (with ability to attach to track).
NOTE 1 Railway maintenance and infrastructure inspection machines fitted with rail-wheels are dealt with in other European standards, see CEN/TR 17498:2020.
This document specifies the requirements to deal with the common hazards during transport, assembly and installation, commissioning, working, including setting up, programming, and process changeover, operation, cleaning, fault finding, maintenance and decommissioning of MWR and associated equipment when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable.
The requirements set out in this document are intended to control the hazards associated with the engineering aspects of MWR.
NOTE 2 It is anticipated that a safe system of work (see EN 16704-1:2017) will additionally be required.
NOTE 3 It is anticipated that the manufacturer of the MWR will comply with the Machinery Directive/Machinery Regulations.
1.2 Validity of this document
This document applies to all machines, which are ordered one year after the publication date by CEN of this document.
1.3 Additional application of this document
Infrastructure managers could use this document for certain aspects of a machine that has not been designed specifically for use in a railway environment where the design of these aspects assumes an additional safety relevance when used in a railway environment.
Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: CEN/TC 136
(Sports, playground and other recreational facilities and equipment)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-13
This document specifies safety requirements and test methods for avalanche airbag systems to reduce the risk of being buried by a snow avalanche.
This document does not consider personal protection against impact or cold temperature.
Komitea: CEN/TC 23
(Transportable gas cylinders)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-13
This document specifies the requirements for the design, manufacture, identification and testing of battery vehicles and multiple-element gas containers (MEGCs) containing cylinders, tubes, or bundles of cylinders. This document applies also to battery vehicles and MEGCs containing bundles of cylinders connected by a manifold which are dis-assembled from the battery vehicle and filled individually.
It is applicable to battery vehicles and MEGCs containing compressed gas, liquefied gas, and mixtures thereof. It is also applicable to battery vehicles for dissolved acetylene. This document is not applicable to battery vehicles and MEGC for toxic gases with an LC50 value less than or equal to 200 ml/m3.
This document does not apply to battery vehicles and MEGCs containing pressure drums or tanks.
This document does not specify requirements for the vehicle chassis or motive unit.
This document is primarily intended for industrial gases other than Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG).
Metalliteollisuuden Standardisointiyhdistys
Komitea: CEN/TC 156
(Ventilation for buildings)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-13
This document provides guidance for the design of ventilation systems for basic ventilation in residential buildings to achieve an acceptable indoor air quality. It gives two approaches:
- prescriptive approach;
- performance-based approach.
This document establishes guidelines for the usage of both the prescriptive and performance-based approaches. This document specifies performance indicators that can be used with the performance-based approach.
This document partly covers intensive ventilation for indoor air quality purposes.
This document concerns residential buildings but primarily focuses on dwellings (flats, apartments, and houses) and is also applicable to parts of other types of residential buildings.
This document is applicable to, but not limited to:
- mechanical ventilation;
- natural ventilation;
- hybrid ventilation.
This document does not apply to:
- dilution of tobacco smoke or radon and other soil gases;
- ventilation of garages, roof voids, sub-floor voids, wall cavities and other spaces in the structure, under, over or around the living space;
- providing air for combustion appliances;
- air cleaning (e.g. portable stand-alone air cleaners to clean the indoor air);
- air humidification or de-humidification;
- thermal comfort in regard to overheating aspects.
This document does not deal with the assessment of energy performance of buildings.
SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: CEN/TC 289
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-13
ISO 3377-2:2016 specifies a method for determining the tear strength of leather using a double edged tear. The method is sometimes described as the Baumann tear. It is applicable to all types of leather.
Komitea: CEN/TC 155
(Plastics piping systems and ducting systems)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-13
This document specifies requirements and test methods for pipes and fittings which are part of piping systems for the rehabilitation by means of renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and sewerage networks.
It is applicable to unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) pipes, fittings and assemblies, as manufactured and as installed. It is not applicable to the existing pipeline.
It is applicable to technique families for renovation:
— lining with close-fit pipes.
Komitea: CEN/TC 155
(Plastics piping systems and ducting systems)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-13
This document specifies requirements and test methods for pipes and fittings which are part of piping systems for the rehabilitation of underground non-pressure and pressure drainage and sewerage networks, and of water supply networks which transport water intended for human consumption, including raw water intake pipelines.
It is applicable to the renovation technique family:
— lining with cured-in-place pipes (CIPP).
It applies to the use of thermoset composite materials with various thermosetting resin systems, in combination with compatible fibrous carrier materials, reinforcement, and other process-related plastics components (see 5.1).
It is applicable to pipes and fittings, as manufactured, as well as to the installed system, with service temperatures up to 50 °C for drainage and sewerage networks and up to 25°C for water supply networks.
For pressurised networks, this document applies to independent (fully structural, class A) and interactive (semi structural, class B) pressure pipe liners, as defined in ISO 11295, which do not rely on adhesion to the existing pipeline.
It does not include requirements or test methods for resistance to abrasion, cyclic loading or impact, which are outside the scope of this document.
SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: CEN/TC 289
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-13
ISO 17232:2017 specifies two methods for determining the heat resistance of patent leather.
Method A makes use of a modified lastometer, while Method B uses the "Zwik" apparatus. Both methods are applicable to patent leathers for all end uses.
Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: CEN/TC 136
(Sports, playground and other recreational facilities and equipment)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-13
This document specifies general safety requirements for the manufacture, installation, inspection and maintenance of permanently installed, freely accessible outdoor fitness equipment. This document does not cover electrically driven equipment, functional training facilities (typically with unrestrained weights) nor military style obstacle courses with restricted access.
The equipment is intended for youths and adults or users having an overall height greater than 1 400 mm to promote fitness by using the equipment to exercise. Equipment covered by this document is not playground equipment for children (EN 1176 series [1]), indoor stationary training equipment (EN ISO 20957 series [2], EN 957 6) or free access multi-sports equipment (EN 15312 [3]) even if it meets the requirements of each of these standards.
NOTE In this document "permanently installed outdoor fitness equipment" is simply called "fitness equipment".
Metalliteollisuuden Standardisointiyhdistys
Komitea: ISO/TC 127/SC 2
(Safety, ergonomics and general requirements)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-13
This document defines requirements for collision warning systems (CWS) and collision avoidance systems (CAS) that address swing/rotation motion for: This document covers the risk of collision with an intended object between the ground plane of the machine and the top of the machine operator cabin. Thus this document does not cover the risk of collision with parts of the intended objects that are higher than the top of the machine operator cabin. This document does not consider machine height of working tool (e.g. height of boom and arm). This document covers collision avoidance by motion inhibition or collision warning by providing warning to the operator, prior to initiation of swing/rotation motion around vertical axis of a machine (e.g. excavators) or swing/rotation parts of a machine about an axis (e.g. backhoe portion of backhoe loaders, conveyer part of mobile screens, booms on rock drills). It does not cover collision avoidance by automatic application of the braking or automatic manoeuvring (e.g. raise bucket) away from the intended object. There are two cases that the collision risk level (CRL) of a stationary swing/rotation part of machine apply to: Therefore, this document describes two types of collision risk levels (CRL): "rotation angle with stationary intended object" and "distance between the stationary machine and the moving intended object". The system described in this standard is intended to assist the operator of the machine. The responsibility for safe operation of the machine remains with the machine operator. This document is not applicable to collision warning and collision avoidance systems installed/manufactured before the date of its publication. For the purpose of this document, the term ‘machine’ means swing/rotation machine or swing/rotation parts of machine.
Metalliteollisuuden Standardisointiyhdistys
Komitea: CEN/TC 459/SC 10
(Steel tubes, and iron and steel fittings)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-13
This document specifies the technical delivery requirements for seamless and welded butt-welding fittings (elbows, concentric and eccentric reducers, equal and reducing tees, caps) made of wrought carbon steel without specific inspection requirements.
It specifies:
a) steel grade and its chemical compositions;
b) mechanical properties;
c) dimensions and tolerances;
d) requirements for inspection and testing;
e) inspection documents;
f) marking;
g) protection and packaging.
Metalliteollisuuden Standardisointiyhdistys
Komitea: CEN/TC 459/SC 10
(Steel tubes, and iron and steel fittings)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-13
This document specifies the technical delivery requirements for seamless and welded butt-welding fittings (elbows, concentric and eccentric reducers, equal and reducing tees, caps) made of austenitic and austenitic-ferritic (duplex) stainless steel without specific inspection requirements.
This document specifies:
- steel grades and their chemical compositions;
- mechanical properties;
- dimensions and tolerances;
- requirements for inspection and testing;
- inspection documents;
- marking;
- handling and packaging.
Metalliteollisuuden Standardisointiyhdistys
Komitea: CEN/TC 44
(Commercial and Professional Refrigerating Appliances and Systems, Performance and Energy Consumption)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-13
This document specifies terminology, requirements and test methods for electrically operated medical refrigerating appliances as defined in 3.2 intended for the cold storage of blood components, biological specimen, vaccines, medicines, reagents, or other laboratory preparations used in medical practice and research.
This document applies to medical refrigerating appliances equipped with a remote or integrated compression-type refrigerating system.
This document covers construction characteristics relevant for the thermal and energy performance.
This document does not cover hygienic and safety aspects and ergonomic principles.
NOTE Examples of standards for safety requirements applicable to medical refrigerating appliances are EN IEC 60335-1 and EN IEC 60335-2-89 or EN 61010-1 and EN IEC 61010-2-011.
This document is not applicable to:
- refrigerated incubators;
- refrigerated cells and refrigerated containers > 2 000 l;
- passive cooling equipment;
- appliances having functionality other than exclusively for storage;
- appliances intended for short term storage;
- appliances intended for fully or partially off-grid operation.
Metalliteollisuuden Standardisointiyhdistys
Komitea: CEN/TC 10
(Lifts, escalators and moving walks)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2025-03-13
1.1 This document specifies the safety requirements for lifting tables which fulfil the following characteristics:
- serving more than 2 fixed landings, and
- having a vertical travel speed of no more than 0,15 m/s, unless safe by position, and
- raising or lowering goods and not person(s), and
- only accessible to persons during the loading/unloading phases, and
- permanently installed.
1.2 This document does not apply to the following equipment:
- permanently installed lifting tables, serving specific levels of a construction, with a vertical travel speed exceeding 0,15 m/s (EN 81-31);
- lifting tables serving not more than two fixed landings of a construction (EN 1570-1);
- lifting tables, serving more than 2 fixed landings of a construction for lifting operators, with a vertical travel speed not exceeding 0,15 m/s;
- lifting tables carrying operators and installed in enclosures with a vertical travel speed not exceeding 0,15 m/s;
- lifting tables used on ships;
- lifting tables designed for artists and stage set features during artistic performances.
1.3 This document does not consider the additional requirements for:
- electromagnetic compatibility;
- operation in severe conditions (e.g. strong magnetic fields);
- operation subject to special rules (e.g. potentially explosive atmospheres, mines);
- handling of loads, the nature of which could lead to dangerous situations (e.g. molten metal, acids, radiating materials, particularly brittle loads, loose loads (gravel, tubes));
- hazards occurring during construction, transportation, and disposal;
- equipment installed on the load platform or the replacing or maintaining of it;
- integration into broader systems or other machines, etc.;
- cable-less controls, i.e. wireless;
- lifting tables where the hydraulic pressure is derived directly from gas pressure;
- lifting tables powered by internal combustion engines.
This document is not applicable to lifting tables manufactured before the date of its publication.