
Toimialayhteisö: Rakennustuoteteollisuus RTT
Komitea: ISO/TC 92/SC 2 (Fire Resistance)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2024-05-06
This part of ISO 834 specifies a test method for determining the fire resistance of various elements of construction when subjected to fire exposure conditions, represented with standardized time-temperature curves. The test data thus obtained will permit subsequent classification on the basis of the duration for which the performance of the tested elements under these conditions satisfies specified criteria.
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: ISO/TC 258 (Project, programme and portfolio management)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2024-05-06
This document defines terms used in the field of project, programme and portfolio management. It can be used by any type of organization, including public or private, and any size or sector, as well as any type of project, programme or portfolio in terms of complexity, size or duration.
HUOM: Tällä lausunnolla on tarkoitus kerätä alan suomalaisten ammattilaisten näkemyksiä standardin sisältöä koskien sekä selvittää, tulisiko tämä standardi hyväksyä kansalliseksi SFS-standardiksi. Vastaa kohdassa ’Ota kantaa’ tulisiko tämä ISO-standardi vahvistaa kansalliseksi SFS-ISO-standardiksi*.
*SFS:n tehtävänä on ylläpitää suomalaista SFS-standardikokoelmaa. Maailmanlaajuisten standardien kohdalla ISO vahvistaa standardin ensin, ja Suomi päättää sen jälkeen, vahvistaako se standardin vai ei. Vahvistamispäätökseen vaikuttaa alan suomalainen näkemys ja kiinnostus vahvistettavaan standardiin.
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 (Software and systems engineering)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2024-05-07
Komitea: ISO/TC 60 (Gears)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2024-05-07
This standard establishes the calculation procedures for determining specification limits for external and internal cylindrical involute gearing with constant gear ratio when the desired tooth thickness is known. This standard also shows the relationships between backlash and the tooth thickness, centre distance, and tooth deviations in a pinion and gear mesh. This standard applies to the following types of gears: external and internal parallel axis cylindrical involute spur and helical gears; involute worms and crossed-axis helical gears; spur and helical racks; and involute spur and helical sector gears The formulae in this standard apply to gears of all sizes and materials, and to all manufacturing methods. This document does not provide guidance on selecting the tooth thickness or the tolerance on the thickness.
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 (Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2024-05-07
Toimialayhteisö: Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: ISO/TC 121/SC 6 (Medical gas supply systems)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2024-05-07
Toimialayhteisö: Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: ISO/TC 121/SC 6 (Medical gas supply systems)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2024-05-07
Toimialayhteisö: Rakennustuoteteollisuus RTT
Komitea: ISO/TC 92/SC 2 (Fire Resistance)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2024-05-08
This part of ISO 834 specifies the procedures to be followed for determining the fire resistance of columns when tested on their own. Two methods of testing are described: Method A is applicable to any type of column and the test is conducted with an applied axial load to the column. Method B is only applicable to protected steel columns with any type of protection system and the test is conducted with no load applied to the column and the fire resistance is determined based on steel temperature limits. Method B is only applicable to protection systems that do not support any of the structural load. The application of this test to other untested forms of construction is acceptable when the construction complies with the direct field of application as given in this part of ISO 834 or when subjected to an extended application analysis in accordance with ISO/TR 12470. Since ISO/TR 12470 gives only general guidelines, specific extended application analyses are to be performed only by persons expert in fire-resistant constructions. General guidance on this test method is given in annex A.
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: SFS (SFS Suomen Standardit)
Alkuperä: SFS
Määräpäivä: 2024-05-08
Standardi sisältää ohjeet asiakirjan asettelusta, tietoalueista ja metatiedoista. Standardin periaatteita sovelletaan sekä paperimuodossa (pääasiassa A4-koossa) että sähköisessä muodossa oleviin, tekstinkäsittelyohjelmalla tai vastaavalla ohjelmalla laadittuihin asiakirjoihin. Tällaisia asiakirjoja ovat esimerkiksi organisaatioiden tai yksityishenkilöiden laatimat kirjeet, sopimukset, tilaukset, tarjouspyynnöt, tarjoukset, lausunnot, muistiot ja raportit. Standardia noudattamalla helpotetaan ja nopeutetaan asiakirjan laatimista, lukemista ja käsittelyä. Standardin mukaiset rakenteiset asiakirjat helpottavat asiakirjojen automatisointia ja tiedonhallintaa. Standardissa on myös otettu huomioon saavutettavuusvaatimukset.
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: ASD-STAN (Aerospace)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2024-05-09
This document specifies the general characteristics, the conditions for qualification, acceptance and quality assurance, as well as the test programmes and groups for bayonet coupling circular connectors, intended for use in an operating temperature range of -65 °C to 175 °C or 200 °C continuous according to the class and models.
Toimialayhteisö: SFS Suomen Standardit
Komitea: CEN/TC 336 (Bitumens and bituminous binders)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2024-05-09
This document specifies a method for the determination of the softening point of bitumen and bituminous binders in the range of 28 °C to 150 °C. The method described also applies to bituminous binders that have been recovered from bituminous mixes, e.g. by extraction according to EN 12697 3 [1]. The change from mercury thermometers to electronic temperature devices has revealed that the temperature definition in the mercury thermometer has not been precise enough to make a correct, unbiased transfer to electronic devices. Care should be taken for softening points ring and ball above 100 °C as the condition may have changed from previous practice to present days testing equipment. Below approximately 100 °C the difference in temperature readings between electronic and mercury stem thermometer is acceptable compared to the repeatability of this test method.
Toimialayhteisö: Rakennustuoteteollisuus RTT
Komitea: CEN/TC 127 (Fire safety in buildings)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2024-05-09
This document specifies a method for determining the ability of a covering to protect underlying materials against damage during a specified fire exposure. The document is not used for the evaluation of fire resistance classifications (e.g. EI, EW, E,…) or reaction to fire classifications (according to EN 13501 1). The fire protection ability is nullified by the presence of combustible materials in the cavity behind the covering. The applicability of the results is limited according to the quantity and position of such combustible materials within that cavity. NOTE The amount of combustible materials permissible in the cavity is generally laid down in national regulations.
Toimialayhteisö: Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: CEN/TC 278 (Intelligent transport systems)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2024-05-09
This document specifies the syntax and semantics of data objects in the field of electronic fee collection (EFC). The definitions of data types and assignment of semantics are provided in accordance with the abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1) technique, as specified in ISO/IEC 8824-1. This document defines: —     ASN.1 (data) types within the fields of EFC; —     ASN.1 (data) types of a more general use that are used more specifically in standards related to EFC. This document does not seek to define ASN.1 (data) types that are primarily related to other fields that operate in conjunction with EFC, such as cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS), the financial sector, etc.
Toimialayhteisö: Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: CEN/TC 215 (Respiratory and anaesthetic equipment)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2024-05-09
This document specifies common requirements for transportable liquid oxygen systems and specific requirements for base units. Base units are used as a store for liquid oxygen for recharging portable units. They may also, if fitted with a flow outlet and flow selector, be used as a source for the supply of oxygen direct to the patient.
Toimialayhteisö: Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: CEN/TC 215 (Respiratory and anaesthetic equipment)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2024-05-09
This document specifies requirements for portable units which are part of a transportable liquid oxygen system. These are used as a supply source for oxygen therapy in home-care and in health-care facilities. Portable units are intended to be carried by patients whilst moving around and during their off-site activities and can be refilled from a base unit through a transfilling connector. Portable units are used without professional supervision.
Toimialayhteisö: Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: CEN/TC 206 (Biological and clinical evaluation of medical devices)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2024-05-09
Toimialayhteisö: Yhteinen Toimialaliitto
Komitea: ISO/TC 194 (Biological and clinical evaluation of medical devices)
Alkuperä: ISO
Määräpäivä: 2024-05-09
Komitea: CEN/CLC/JTC 5 (Space)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2024-05-09
This document is intended to stablish and define functional and performance requirements and associated tests for Galileo Timing Receivers. This document covers the following topics related to Galileo Timing Receivers: - GNSS constellations and frequencies processed: Galileo plus additionally GPS, with nominal mode being dual-frequency processing, - Time scales processed, including at least Galileo System Time and Universal Time Coordinate, - User dynamics, with two operation modes: static users with well-known and static antenna position and dynamics users with moving antenna, - Holdover devices, - Nominal and back-up modes, including single-frequency modes, single-constellation modes and holdover mode. - Processing of timing integrity information disseminated by the Galileo System, - Time Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring processing, - Anti-jamming and anti-spoofing capabilities, including Automatic Gain Control monitoring and Galileo Open Service Navigation Message Authentication processing, - Robustness to multipath. In addition, this document gives guidelines for the installation and maintenance of the receiver, including antenna, cabling and receiver installation, initial and periodic receiver calibration, and periodic maintenance. On top of the functional requirements, performance requirements this document defines in terms of different key performance indicators such as: - Accuracy, availability, continuity and integrity requirements, - T-RAIM performances, including time to alert, - Holdover performances including maximum degradation of the timing solution with time and maximum holdover time, This document also gives a simple test suite to verify the most fundamental requirements of the Galileo Timing Receivers.
Komitea: CEN/TC 459/SC 2 (Methods of chemical analysis for iron and steel )
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2024-05-09
The method is applicable to chromium contents between 0.25 % (m/m) and 35 % (m/m). Specifies principle, reagents, apparatus, sampling, procedure, expression of results and test report. Annex A gives additional information on the international co-operative tests, and Annex B represents the precision data graphically.
Komitea: CEN/TC 262 (Metallic and other inorganic coatings, including for corrosion protection and corrosion testing of metals and alloys)
Alkuperä: CEN
Määräpäivä: 2024-05-09